Steve Coley, managing director of Lakeside Ceilings and Partitions, has been appointed as the new President of AIS FPDC. Steve takes over as President at an exciting point in the Association’s history, as it will shortly announce a new name and brand image, along with its revised strategy and unprecedented training initiative.
Speaking at the Plaisterers’ Awards, Mr Coley told members and guests that standing before them was “a high point in his career and that he was indeed honoured to be representing a sector with such proud heritage.”
Mr Coley went on to thank past-President Angela Mansell for her service to the sector, saying: “I think it is fair to say that without Angela’s foresight and determination the merger between FPDC and AIS would not have happened and we would not be here celebrating such a strong and vibrant organisation. Her leadership could most certainly be described as above and beyond the call of duty, having been President for almost three years. I’m sure you would like me to pass on our thanks and appreciation for her outstanding contribution.”