Over the last two years, many employers have been offering industry placements – an extended period of structured time that a student spends in the workplace, developing real skills and making a meaningful contribution to the organisation.
Industry placements are a fundamental part of T Levels – new courses, starting in September, designed by employers for 16-19-year olds, which combine classroom learning with a substantial placement.
What might this look like in the current circumstances?
On Thursday 18 June, at 9am, the Department for Education and the Strategic Development Network are hosting a webinar for employers, giving an update on industry placements and T Levels, how they might contribute to workforce development in the coming months, and the support now available.
There will also be chance to hear from two high-profile employers who have already been offering placements successfully.
As a key intermediary, we would really appreciate it if you could please attend yourself and also forward this invitation on to any relevant employers in your network.
Employers can find out more and register here
Any questions about the session can be sent to: employers@strategicdevelopmentnetwork.co.uk