Construction Conflict Avoidance Process – Manage and Resolve Conflicts Early to Reduce Costs and Deliver Projects on Time and on Budget

100’s of businesses and organisations are signing up to the Conflict Avoidance Pledge, which has been developed by a coalition of industry bodies, including RICS. The Pledge is a commitment to proactively avoid conflicts and, where necessary, manage disputes between contracting parties early and amicably. In tandem with the Pledge, RICS has developed a tailored conflict management and resolution process known as CAP, which is supported by increasing numbers of businesses and organisations.

CAP is both a  conflict avoidance and early intervention procedure, which  ensures emerging disagreements between you and your clients or contractors are aired quickly, earnestly and dealt with so that costs are kept to a minimum and your project delivery doesn’t suffer.

RICS is hosting a free to access webinar that will feature a panel of subject matter experts in the construction industry.


  • Alan Muse – RICS Head of Construction Standards
  • Martin Burns – RICS Head of ADR Research & Development
  • Len Bunton – Bunton FRICS FCIArb Hon FRIAS
  • Janey Milligan – Managing Director, Construction Dispute Resolution
  • Stephen Blakey – FRICS, FCInstCES, MICW

FIS Chief Executive Iain McIlwee said: “FIS is advocating companies should sign the RICS developed and CLC supported Conflict Avoidance Pledge.  Construction culture needs to evolve away from an adversarial culture that sees relationships treated as disposable and commercial pressures used to reapportion price, design and time risk rather than better manage it collectively.  Our spend on legal fees is disproportionate when it we compare to other industries and as margins erode, we simply cannot afford to waste the time and money that we currently invest in conflict.  The Conflict Avoidance Process sets out a roadmap to being better and this event will help you to understand how you can adopt and learn from the process and, at the same time lead and advocate change.”

Reserve your place here. The session provides 1.0 hours formal CPD.