Debbie Plavinskas, Design Manager at Overbury has been crowned winner of the FIR Inspiration award at this year’s Inspiring Change Awards.
The Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Award recognises individuals who have ‘made significant, innovative and outstanding contribution to promoting a culture of Fairness, Inclusion and Respect within their scope of work either in their workplace or beyond’.
Debbie was creator and leader of Overbury’s period poverty initiative at 5 Bank Street. The period poverty initiative, pitched by Debbie, design manager at Overbury, aimed to significantly increase inclusivity for women on site and raise awareness for period poverty amongst all on-site staff, 90% of whom are male.
The initiative resulted in the collection of over 60,000 sanitary products which were donated to a local food bank, a women’s homeless shelter and to the people of Ukraine. It also led to big changes within Overbury – sanitary bins are now standard at sites and offices and free sanitary products are provided where possible.
Congraulations to Debbie and all winners at this year’s awards. Find out more about this year’s awards here.