As of last week, the Scottish Government has allowed the construction sector to start work on preparing its sites for a safe return to work – Phase 1 on the industry Re-Start Plan (see information here) – and that industry has been asked to “consult with government to ensure it is safe to do so in line with public health advice” before starting Phase 2 on that plan – the” Soft Start” return to work.

To provide confidence that Phase 2 can begin evidence of the advance preparation of sites, in line with the new Site Operating Guidance and their own (or sector specific) procedures (see details in the FIS COVID-19 H&S Toolkit), it is critical now that industry share material through the Construction Leadership Forum in Scotland. Evidence shared with the Construction Leadership Forum will help them and, more importantly, government, gain confidence that the industry is preparing to start work safely.

Examples of the potential activities being sought, dependent upon the nature of the site, could include:

  • Installing new, or expanding existing, site welfare and toilet facilities
  • Installing hand washing/sanitiser stations
  • Alterations to form “one way” systems
  • Installation of Covid-19 signage
  • Marking 2m distancing on access routes throughout the site
  • Re-modelling office and meeting rooms for physical distancing
  • Cleaning of all site facilities and the workspace
  • “Road testing” all new systems prior to supply chain returning to site

The “evidence” that could include photographs, videos, written reports (examples of RAMS), site plan changes management plans, completed checklists and customer testimonials. The Construction Leadership Forum will be seeking sample evidence across a wide range of project types and situations.

Any information should be sent initially to CICV Forum member and FIS CEO who will arrange for it to sent to the Construction Leadership Forum to collate and provide as evidence.  Additionally, in the spirit of collaboration, if you are inclined to share more broadly as evidence of good practice through the Construction Leadership Forum members and/or included on the FIS Community H&S Best Practice Gallery please let us know when you submit the information.