German ceilings manufacturer OWA has used its fire safety expertise, which has helped to define standards in a country where fire resistance requirements are among the most stringent in Europe, to support UK clients with navigating through the considerations essential to the protection of building occupants and building fabric following the fire at Grenfell Tower.
OWAcoustic ceilings perform exceptionally well in fire situations. Consisting of mineral wool made from silica (sand) and limestone, mixed with clay, their natural fire resistance means 60 minutes of fire protection are achieved by the main OWAcoustic ceilings, which also now carry branding that clearly describes the application of each system; for example, Corridor Pro, Steel Pro, Timber Pro and Mezz Pro.
The ceiling manufacturer’s response to fire safety calls goes further with initiatives that not only help to ensure best practice but also assist in clarifying grey areas in the responsibility for fire safety. OWA has introduced the OWA UK Approved Contractor Scheme for the installation of fire resistant ceiling systems and created a Technical CPD ‘Fire and Suspended Ceilings’ seminar.