SpecFinish talks to Charles Begley, Chief Executive at London Property Alliance about the key findings of the Retrofit First, Not Retrofit Only: A focus on the retrofit and redevelopment of 20th century buildings paper.
The paper reviews the current challenges and opportunities faced by central London policymakers and property owners in the race to decarbonise commercial buildings to ensure London becomes a net zero city. The report aims to bring greater clarity to planning and investment criteria, which ultimately underpins future development, pinpointing key considerations in determining the best approach taken from case studies and realworld experience.
Charles explained central London is a major driver of economic growth and prosperity. But success comes at a cost in the form of elevated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Our buildings, and particularly how we use them, are major contributors. Tackling climate change has rightly risen to the top of the political agenda, and the property sector, like many others, is grappling to play its part in reducing its carbon footprint.
Charles said: “Reducing energy use in buildings is a fundamental component in central London’s carbon reduction strategy, and new developments are able to adhere to the stringent energy and carbon requirements of the Mayor’s London Plan which is targeting 2030 for London to be a net zero carbon (NZC) city”.