FPDC is teaming up with a specialist SME procurement consultancy to offer smaller contractors a way to benefit from bulk buying consumable items such as small tools, PPE and stationery.
All businesses are aware that there is increasing pressure on organisations to deliver cost reductions and lower operational overheads in order to promote efficiency in an increasingly hostile market.
For many businesses the primary driver given these requirements is often to lower margin aspirations in order to compete effectively. The principles of smart procurement focus on real savings that can be delivered to the bottom line by concentrating on some of the less obvious areas of spend.
These are common to all businesses and are often overlooked in favour of ‘core’ business related spend but nonetheless contribute significantly to the cost of operational overheads and therefore to the required level of margin requirement.
Setting aside for one moment the challenges of harnessing this margin aspiration,
the ‘low hanging fruit’ available to many businesses continues to be an area that is left to
office administrators or perhaps IT specialist who may not have acquired the necessary market knowledge and/or negotiation skills required to establish the most beneficial return into the business.
There are numerous general practitioning consultancies offering procurement services to organisations throughout the UK. FPDC is teaming up with Eclipse Procurement Solutions to develop a model which is unique to the construction industry. The approach allows for a review of an organisation’s existing processes whilst also developing smart procurement principles which allow participating businesses the opportunity to unlock additional bottom line returns into their business.
The FPDC/ Eclipse team is made up of seasoned construction professionals who have a demonstrable track record within some of the industry’s most prominent contractors. Consultations are available to your business on a no obligation basis and, if required, engagements are available to FPDC member companies at preferential rates.
To find out more, please contact FPDC on either 020 7634 9480 or membership@fpdc.org