T Level Case Study
The Education and Skills Funding Agency have published a case study demonstrating the real value that industry placements can add for employers.
FIS member Willmott Dixon continues to enhance the diversity of the construction workforce T-Levels and industry placement support for employers. You can read the full article here.
T-Levels are new courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels. These 2-year courses, which launched September 2020, are for 16 to 19 year olds and have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study. T-Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 45 days. Most of the learning will take place in the classroom which makes them different from an Apprenticeship. The industrial placement can take place as a block, day release or a mix of these. There are currently two Construction T-Levels:
Design, surveying and planning for construction (available now) the course offers a core knowledge of how the construction industry works, the principles of design and the role of technology and sustainability. Students then have the chance to specialise in either Building services design, Civil engineering, Hazardous materials analysis or surveying.
Onsite construction learners have the option to cover at least one trade from a choice of bricklaying, carpentry and joinery, painting and decorating or plastering. FIS are seeking support to develop an occupational specialism in interior systems installation.
There are a number of progression options open to these sixth form students. These include skilled employment, an apprenticeship and higher education. UCAS points are attached to the overall T-Level achievement grade.
If you would like to offer an Industrial Placement for T-Level students, you can register at Employers Next Steps or call 08000 150 600 (choose option 4).
There is a CSCS Card for Industry Placement: https://www.cscs.uk.com/card-type/industry-placement-card/ specially for T-Level and Traineeship students.
George Swann FIS Skill and Training Lead says “this is one of the nine government funded schemes in the Plan for Jobs and is a great method of encouraging people into the finishes and interiors sector. Please see FIS Skills Factsheet No 024 Offering Work Experience for hints and tips. If you are not sure and would like to discuss your options please give FIS a call on 0121 707 0077 or email info@thefos.org we will be happy to talk you through all of the recruitment schemes currently available.”