Call for Evidence

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Apprenticeships has launched a call for evidence as part of its 2019/20 report.

It is looking to explore how the sector has responded to COVID-19 and what further work is required to improve apprenticeship policy for the future.

The Chair of the APPG on Apprenticeships, Karin Smyth MP said:

We’re keen to hear from leading business, training providers, representative organisations, charities and others working within in the apprenticeships space to hear how you have coped with the challenges of COVID-19, we’re also interested to hear your recommendations for policy makers on how apprenticeships can play a key role in the long term economic recovery of the UK.”

The APPG is inviting written submissions to inform this inquiry. Submissions should be a maximum of two pages and be emailed to with the subject ‘APPG on Apprenticeships: evidence submission’.

It has asked following questions:

  • What are the opportunities and challenges you have faced in response to COVID-19?
  • How has your organisation responded and adapted to supporting apprenticeships ?
  • What recommendations would you have for policy makers to support apprenticeships policy in the future?
  • How can we ensure that apprenticeships play an important role in economic recovery beyond the COVID-19 crisis?

The deadline for written submissions is Tuesday 7 July at 17:00.