Young people will soon be receiving their exam results and might be looking for some guidance about what to do next.  The Exam Results Helpline from the National Careers Service can talk to individuals about resits, qualification and subject choices, apprenticeship and careers advice, and gap years.

The phone line is open from 16-30 August, from 8am to 10pm.

For any questions about university admissions or higher education courses, individuals should contact the university or college directly.  They can also contact UCAS for more information.

  • UCAS
  • Telephone 0371 468 0 468
  • The phone line is open Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 6pm.

Take a look at the FIS web page:

If you are looking to employ a school leaver exam results will be published on 25 August 2022.  GCSEs are graded using a numerical system from 9 to 1.  This replaced (from 2017 onwards) the previous system of grades A to E.  These alphabetical grades are no longer awarded for GCSEs in England.  The highest grade is 9, while 1 is the lowest.  The U grade means “ungraded”.  Students who fail to achieve a grade 4 in English language and maths must continue to study these subjects and retake a qualification in them.  Ofqual has published this helpful guide to illustrate how the numerical grades compare to the old alphabetical ones:

New Grade Structure Former Grade Structure Schools and colleges will let pupils know how to collect their results. In most instances pupils will be able to go to their school or college and collect their results in person and get advice and support from their teachers if necessary.  Alternatively, they can plan to receive them via email, or another means by speaking to their school.


This year young people and students have taken summer GCSE and some Vocational technical Qualifications (VTQ) exams for the first time following the disruption caused by the pandemic.  VTQs are regulated in a different way to GCSEs, so awarding organisations (AOs) set their own grading scales. Ofqual’s regulatory framework requires AOs to secure, as far as it is possible, that VTQ learners are not disadvantaged compared with their GCSE and A level peers. To do this we expect them to take account of the approach for GCSEs when setting standards in their own qualifications.



7 A


4 C