A new White Book is now available from British Gypsum. The famous White Book is a comprehensive guide to everything British Gypsum does, helping construction professionals with specifying internal partitions, wall linings, and floor and acoustic ceiling systems.
Following extensive research with its customers, British Gypsum has improved the White Book to give easier navigation and cross-referencing. Additional changes to the book include a re-ordering of its contents in line with specification and construction phases for a project, with key product and system benefits listed to aid the selection of the correct system to meet performance requirements.
The White Book is available to view and download online and is complemented by the online System Selector tool, which allows users to search and download product information, such as BIM data and CAD drawings.
“We are always committed to incorporating customer feedback into our products, systems and services,” said Mike Chaldecott, managing director at British Gypsum. “The updated White Book ensures specifiers have more detailed and accessible product data to make better informed specification choices in the current time of change for the construction industry.”
Customers can order a free copy of the White Book or view it online, by visiting the website.